Furio Cavallini (Piombino 1929 - Cecina 2012)

 Nello studio di Riparbella fotografato da Mario Dondero (2003)


Furio Cavallini is an Italian painter known for his bold, interesting, graphic and often tortured imagery. His figures typically appear alone and isolated in geometrical cages set against flat, nondescript backgrounds and he depicts people and plants in unusual juxtapositions. Cavallini's work is noted for its intensity, and the many portraits the artist produced: the twisted body shapes and the expressive line characterize his drawings and paintings and mark him as a very important artistic talent. His melancholy landscapes are filled with brilliant shades of strong colours that draw the eye. "All artists are vain, they long to be recognised and to leave something to posterity. They want to be loved, and at the same time they want to be free. But nobody is free" (Francis Bacon).  continua

Premio Editori e Stampatori - VIII Mostra del Fiorino - 1957

Deanna Moretti (Piombino 1938 - Cecina 2022)
Opere a olio e disegni di Furio Cavallini a dieci anni dalla scomparsa. A Saronno dal 9 al 24 ottobre

In vendita sul sito di PACINI EDITORE

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info:Giovanni Cavallini and Giulia Cavallini (sons)